6 Must-Have Digital Real Estate Marketing Tools

Having a variety of marketing tools and an achievable plan of action will be your ticket to success. An effective real estate marketing plan will shape how you want to represent yourself to the market and how you want your sales to be made. It serves as a guide to determining both a dominant brand and an effective lead generation campaign. If you want to boost your online marketing, the following highlights some digital real estate marketing tools you must have:


1. Professional Website

It’s no easy task but for investors looking to take their brand visibility to the next level, a real estate website will be imperative to your success. The importance of having a professional real estate website is unrivaled whether you’re an agent, a broker or an investor. It is fundamentally the face of your business and will not only aid to establish credibility as an investor online, but enhance the overall online presence of your business. Along with helping to increase online visibility, a real estate website acts as a central location for customers to visit, browse, shop and gather information. If done right, a clean website will have a polished appearance that is easy to navigate and have operational functions, quality content and gives an impressive overall experience to users.


2. Email Marketing Software (EMS)


Email marketing continues to prove itself as a vital resource for any type of business. It offers incredible power when it comes to generating attention, and reaching potential customers. By targeting fans of your brand, which have ultimately provided you with their email address, investors can focus on pursuing leads from sent emails, with hopes of converting those into sales.


3. Social Media Apps


In today’s aggressive marketing climate, real estate agents are advised to not just sign up for social media, but use it systematically and consistently. It’s importance is second to none, as it can promote brand awareness, build integrity, and generate new business.

With about 2.3 billion users, it’s necessary that real estate agents take full advantage of it. For those who wants to get started, the following platforms offer the best bang for your buck:

YouTube: In real estate, video marketing is running on all cylinders, and the trend should continue for quite some time.

Facebook:  Facebook is the cornerstone of social media marketing, as it attracts 1.71 billion users

every month.

Instagram: Instagram delivers real estate investors an array of ways to not only build brand awareness, but drive engagement.

Pinterest: This content sharing service offers several marketing purposes but the two biggest advantages are the ability to generate residual traffic from pins, and getting picked up by Google Search.

Hootsuite:  This digital real estate marketing tool offers investors an innovative, and time-saving way to schedule and organize social media activity.

4. Outsourcing Tools

Sites like Fiverr and Upwork continue to serve as an exceptional tool for real estate agents, especially for those with little-to-no experience in web marketing. These outsourcing resources have become go-to digital real estate marketing tools for investors thanks, in part, to their capability of boosting productivity. For long term growth however, we recommend hiring a full-time all-around Virtual Assistant.

5. Photo Editing Tools

First impressions play an enormous role in real estate. The same can be said for online marketing, as web users can be very quick to highlight errors, mistakes and unsatisfactory results. However, a photo editing app can work wonders for investors, as photos remain a key component to real estate. That said, one of the more powerful apps is Adobe Photoshop Express. Basic features include rotating, cropping, red eye and blemish removal, while others include adjustments to correct contrast, exposure and white balance. In addition, photos can be saved to your phone’s camera roll or used directly via social media.

6. Text Message Marketing Campaign

One of the hottest marketing trends in real estate right now is text message and reasoning for the popularity is simple: it achieves results. SMS not only have a 100 percent open rate, and a 98% read rate, but they’re typically read within 15 minutes of being received. Along with being extremely efficient, text a message marketing is also very cost-effective. In addition, it’s simply to setup and manage, which makes is especially beneficial when on the go.

Whether a real estate agent or simply a business owner, it’s important to take advantage of all available online marketing resources. That said, digital real estate marketing tools have the potential to take a business from good to great, and should be used as much as possible.

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