Transforming the good to the great – featuring Climb Real Estate’s Michael B. Soon

In today’s extremely competitive business environment, there’s a persistent and never-ending battle that everyone must face; providing outstanding customer service. Those who can acclimate will definitely survive and prosper, and those who cannot are likely to suffer an inevitable downfall. It pits profits against the necessity for total customer satisfaction. It is crucial to realize the importance of strong customer service.


Today we would like to share with you an interview we initiated with one of our very own clients, Michael B. Soon. He is a realtor from Climb Real Estate who decided to hire, Iya, one of our virtual assistants.

     “Understanding the customer’s needs and developing a relationship where customer’s needs can be anticipated,” he said when asked how he would define good customer service. Iya, however thinks it is beyond that. To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measure with money, and that is sincerity and integrity,” she quotes Douglas Adams.

Excellent customer service creates loyal customers for life; customers who are willing to refer your business to friends, family and colleagues. Providing this type of service starts with a genuine desire to delight our clients, but we also think past just selling services.

There are times Michael will reply to me hours after my shift and because I know it’s important or something I can do right away, I will do it right then and there even if he tells me to do it during my shift..” She recalls having a delay on producing marketing materials for a listing that they resolved with ease. “We should have sent the order days before so they will have time to deliver it. I remember him so stressed about the delays at the property I didn’t want him to worry more on the postcards, or MailChimp campaign, or Facebook announcements. We got the postcards sent right on time. I dont know if that helped but the property was sold before it went out to market.” Iya is assigned to prepare and extract documents for Michael when he’s on the field, create marketing materials, manage social media accounts, coordinate with vendors and even design content for his wife’s daycare.

     “It has been a great experience to work with my VA, Iya.  She has been able to take on time consuming tasks and helps add more organization to my life.  But I am still working on keeping up,” he adds. “I feel we have a good relationship.  I wish I could provide more training time but she is doing great with on the job training.  She is always pleasant on the phone and helps add some calmness to many hectic days.”


Communication is one of the simplest keys to outstanding customer service. This means hearing what your customers are saying out loud, as well as what they are communicating non-verbally. It’s important to respond quickly to clients, even if it is only to give a status update on tasks or make clarifications.

Michael shares that the biggest obstacle to getting work done is having organized time to go through short term and long term projects for VA tasks and having to decide which tasks are easier to transition to a VA versus tasking himself or needing local help. Something that good communication can easily fix. “We talk at least once a day.  I am out in the field and running around to see clients and homes or prepare listings.  So phone calls are important and help with time savings in communications.”

     “Iya has been a great communicator, whether in email or phone or text.  During the initial interview, it was important for me to be able to connect and communicate with the VA to avoid any communication issues.  Iya also is great with asking clarifying questions or double checking before executing a task.  This has proved helpful in accelerating our business agenda,” he added.

Customer Service is the life line of any business, especially in a remote B2B industry where The VA Hub dwells. Any business would want its representative to be vehement in delivering excellent service to its customers.

     “Iya consistently provides great service but especially as my right hand when I am in the field.  As I see homes, I am able to contact Iya and have her take notes on properties or immediately contact the agent and forward information to my clients. This helps me save time and keep my tasks on track.” Because of Iya, Michael is happy to recommend The VA Hub to his friends, colleagues and family. “Yes, important to realize the help you need and the time to focus on core business. “

If you’re delivering sincere value to your customers, you’re guaranteeing your success. In fact, it’s the very foundational understanding that a business must deliver value in order to transform the good to the great. That’s what creates icons in the world of business. And it all starts by having the consumer’s best interest at heart.

Experience a difference in customer service.

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