
Your Employees as Your Instagram Brand Ambassadors

Discover how your employees can use their Instagram profiles to boost your business’s Instagram marketing efforts.

1.     Urge Your Employees to Use It

Encourage them to use Instagram! You must also remember that happy employees make the best brand ambassadors.

It is true that you can’t control the content your employees post or who and what they engage with on their personal Instagram accounts, but you can them to keep it professional if they mention anything that has to do with your business. This is especially important for employees who are using their personal profiles to represent your business in any facet, such as a social media manager or part of the management team.

2.     Ask Them to Link to Your Instagram Account in Their Profile Bio

This will ensure that anyone who visits employees’ profiles will also get a clickable link to your account.

3.     Boost Visibility With Employee Engagement

If you want more engagement for posts on your business’s Instagram account then start letting employees know via company email or Instagram private message each time you post a new update from your account.

This will not only make your content more visible in the news feed of your followers, but also more likely to appear on the Explore tab. This could mean more people discovering your products and services.

4.     Encourage Your Employees to Post to Instagram While at Work

Ask employees to take photos or videos at workadd your business account in the caption, and add your address as the location of those photos!

While you can’t control what other people share on your location page, you can ensure that there are more quality posts by getting your employees involved. These posts will improve the content of your location page and help you get more visibility among your employees’ followers.

5.     Teach them How to Link to Your Business Account in Their Stories

Teach employees how to tag your acocunt and link to your site so they can create posts that will drive more people to your company’s account, as well as drive traffic to your website.

Some employees may like this option better because it allows them to promote your business in stories that last only 24 hours. That way, the main content on their profile stays personal.

6.     Encourage Employees to Repost Your Content

There are plenty of ways to repost (using a third-party app, screen capture), no matter how they repost, make sure they tag you. Another way to use Repost is to share great Instagram content that your employees have posted about your business.

7.     Look for Opportunities to Mention Your Account

Hashtags like #recommendations, and #suggestionswelcome are often used when people want to encourage their followers to share their opinions. Tell your employees to look for posts with these and related hashtags. Whenever they find a post related to your products or services, ask them to share your Instagram account in the comments.


Encouraging your employees to become brand ambassadors on Instagram can give your business an advantage by boosting your visibility, increasing engagement on your account, and even driving traffic to your website. If you educate your employees properly, their Instagram activity can do a lot for your Instagram marketing strategy.


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