Grow Your Real Estate Business by Hiring a Transaction Coordinator

Being a real estate agent is a very busy profession. It involves a lot of tasks and responsibilities which are not limited to generating leads, marketing, contacting clients and completing paper works for real estate transactions.  Of course, more clients mean more growth to your business but keeping your clients is a big challenge.


Though time management can be a solution, it is still very challenging to juggle your schedule with all the meetings, admin tasks and real estate transactions. It is a struggle to keep your all your clients updated and it could really be a tough job to track all the paper works as well. You may even need to sacrifice the time you can spend for your family and friends.

To make sure you can keep up with all your real estate transactions from beginning to end, wouldn’t it be more effective if you can delegate the tasks to someone who can reliably do the job for you? Here are the five advantages of getting your own transaction coordinator:


  1. Save Time and Effort


A transaction coordinator keeps track of all the documents needed for a real estate transaction. They make sure that all the needed paper works are collected on time. They follow a strict transaction timeline to make sure of a smooth transaction with your clients. You don’t need to worry about calling all the involved persons on the deal because your transaction coordinator will do it for you! Now, you will surely have more time to run your business and you may even have more time to spend with your loved ones.











  1. Ensure Good Customer Service


Good customer service ensures client loyalty and satisfaction. Your transaction coordinator makes sure that the needs and demands of your clients are met. You will be surprised how many leads will be generated just because your first clients are well taken care of.












  1. Meet More Clients


Since your transaction coordinator helps you save more time, of course you will also have more time to attend meetings with potential clients. There’s no more need to bury yourself on a lot of paperwork and waste time on calling and updating your clients. Your transaction coordinator will do the job for you!












  1. Meet Your Deadlines


With a transaction coordinator to rely on, you can make sure that the deadlines are met. We all know that a single real estate sale involves a lot of paperwork. If you will be working with multiple clients, keeping track of all the documents can be a tough job. A well-organized transaction coordinator can keep track of all the needed documents for you.











  1. Sell More, Earn More


Since you will have more time now to meet potential clients, the chances of selling more properties will increase. Your transaction coordinator takes care of the transaction tasks from the time the seller accepts the offer until the escrow closing so all you have to do now is go out and meet future buyers!












A real estate transaction is undeniably easier with a transaction coordinator. Stress out no more about keeping track of dates, calling your clients and third parties involved and collecting all the paper work.


If a real estate transaction is one of your challenges as a real estate agent, then it is the best time to hire a transaction coordinator. The VA Hub  is one of the best companies who can recommend the best transaction coordinators in the  industry.


Do you have more questions about how transaction coordination works?

Call us now at 1-888-923-9323

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Contributor: Vivian Daphne
  Schedule an interview with this VA today.