Modern Business Methods We Enjoy

Sometime ago, to hang up a cardboard sign was one of the best communication methods most businesses do. Now, we have phones, radio, television and the internet to use to bring businesses closer to their customers. Here is a compilation of some of the Modern Business Methods that are available for us to use today.People working on a laptop in a meeting

1. Remote Working.

As new businesses are launched and competition grows, firms are seeing an advantage in hiring freelancers instead of full-time, on-board employees, like Virtual Assistants in the Philippines. This alternative is more favorable because it comes with fewer overheads, greater flexibility, miscellaneous cost-cutting and efficiency at work.

2. Online Selling.

If you have not taken your business online, you’re missing out. Selling online has a number of advantages over selling via traditional methods, including low operational costs, reducing order processing costs, reaching a global audience thereby increasing sales opportunities, and competing with larger businesses by being able to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

3. Live Streams and Bots – Improve Client Engagement.

Whether you are running a retail store or a big e-commerce website like Amazon, live streaming a public launch, product reviews or anything that is engaging to your potential customers through social media channels will put a face and soul to your business.

4. Dedicated Support Hashtags on Social Channels


If you receive a high volume of social media communication from fans and customers, offering suggested hashtags is a great way to sort messages for response

5. Live Video Call Option

Video chat is a great opportunity to build relationships with your customers because it offers a sense of what communication experts call “immediacy.”

6. Hyper local Advertising

Hyper local advertising utilizes your location to serve ads relevant to where you are. Imagine yourself at the store looking for a gadget that you have searched on the laptop, and you get an ad on your phone that a business is offering something better and genuine from their store. You will definitely love this type of advertising. That’s how savvy businesses are driving increased sales today.

7. Online Conference- Web-based communication.

Allows people in different locations to hold interactive meetings.
It is amazing how internet has become part of our daily lives, and the advancement of technology has really made an impact in our business world. But, let us also look back at the beauty of traditional business method that we enjoyed back then!

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Contributor: Jackie Escolastico