How a VA can help you with your business blog

No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.”

– Andrew Carnegie, American Industrialist


business blog is a helpful marketing tool, and as a business owner, it can help you gain more publicity and be recognized as a solid business brand, which will ultimately allow you to obtain more leads.

Now, you’re probably wondering where the Virtual Assistant comes in.

We’ll get to that in a bit.

First, let’s have a quick discussion about what Virtual Assistants are and what they do.


What is a Virtual Assistant?

-In a nutshell, VA’s are part / full-time support staff that work off-site / remotely / from their own home.

What can Virtual Assistants do?

-VA’s are skilled professionals who can do anything from simple clerical or administrative work to a variety of tasks. Some are even experienced and highly trained, and has chosen a very specific skill set that can come in handy for clients who require VA’s with knowledge or background in their line of business.


How can a Virtual Assistant help you with your business blog?

1.   Save time.

With your VA running the blog, you’re free to focus on more important things! Not only can they write your blog for you, they can also take care of the other aspects that are included in running or managing a blog. Like, research, image sourcing, actively interacting with your customers, etc. Plus, your VA can actually write articles as often as you want!

2.   Write quality content.

Most VA’s are skilled writers and they can definitely create fascinating articles for you. You can either give them total control on what to write, or come up with the direction or topics that you want. Either way, you don’t have to worry about what to write because they’ll produce a well-written blog for your business.

3. Research.

Blogging isn’t just about writing, you have to do a little bit of research too, in order to come up with fresh ideas for content, marketing strategies, and even keep tabs of the competition.

4. Handle the technical aspect of running a blog.

Since blogging is done through the internet, you can sometimes experience issues with your blog that might cause it to not run smoothly. Your VA can make sure that your business blog is up and running and up to date with all the necessary security fixes.

5. Make a communications plan / record your content.

Your VA can easily create and inventory or a communications plan using a spreadsheet. This way, you can both keep track, and plan ahead, and to avoid duplication with future blog posts.



Think you need help with your business blog?  

Most business owners feel that blogging is a struggle, and they’re right. It isn’t exactly as easy as it looks. Creating a successful blog takes time, ideas, and great writing skills to make your blog interesting, and appealing to people.

If you need more information about what your blog needs, contact us today.



Contributor: Celine Marie Refol
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