5 Tips To Work Effectively With a Virtual Assistant

Most professionals are on a tight schedule, considering the exceptional rivalry right now in the market.  In some cases, they skip completing one of their everyday assignments as a result of business. Businessmen have too much on their plates, yet they are reluctant to employ a virtual assistant to work with them.

Virtual assistants work remotely over the internet. This means that your communications will be online or through phone calls. One of the reasons businessmen don’t want hire a VA is security.

To help you get over your worries about hiring a full-time VA, here are a few tips on how to work well with a virtual assistant.

Get to know your VA
Some virtual assistant tasks include managing your company’s social media sites, financing, dealing with your customers, etc., so for that matter, you have to know who you are working with because you will entrust your business to that person. So, it’s extremely vital to know your VA first for you to be able to trust them as well as their work.

Communication is key to any successful business and this sets a major part to your relationship with your virtual assistant. You have to maximize the use of emails and phone calls, especially that your VA doesn’t live or work in the same country as you. The only way you can give your tasks is through emails or any other online communication tools and phone calls. Once you establish a good relationship with your VA, it will be less demanding for you to give them instructions and you will know that they are doing their tasks by the book.

Share Records
You want your VA to work in behalf of you, so that means that you should also give them access to your social sites or even your personal cards but of course you still have to be mindful, remember tip #1 “Get to know your VA first”. It saves time as well to have a shared record because you can easily check your VA’s work if he/she is doing the right thing or most importantly if your VA is really working.

Provide Clear Instruction and Coaching
Working with a virtual assistant may be stressful for some because you cannot see them work, you just know that they work and give you outputs that you need. But sometimes, understanding the guidelines given to them can become an issue for your VA. That is where the language/culture barrier interferes especially if your VA doesn’t live in the same place as you, obviously they have a different perspective on some things. You can avoid that by simply providing clear and direct instructions. You can also do coaching and tell them the things that they need to be aware of so that next time you will not go around and confuse each other.

Be Realistic
You need to understand that your VA is also a human being like you. They have their limits to what they can do. You cannot expect them to work everything at once, you have to consider the weight of each task before you bash them heaps of work. You must be reasonable in giving out orders if you want your VA to give you the quality of work.

Now that you know these 5 most effective tips to work well with a virtual assistant, are you still hesitant to hire a full-time VA? Stress not! The VA Hub Inc. can recommend a dedicated, trust-worthy, trained VA for you!

Contributor: Cristal Rollorata
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