5 Reasons That Make a Filipino Virtual Assistant Stand Out

What is a Virtual Assistant?

First, let us define a Virtual Assistant. From the word itself, a Virtual Assistant is a person who works for someone remotely or virtually over the phone, via email, and other online tools or platforms.


No one knows when and how Virtual Assistance services started in the Philippines, but positively, this was influenced by the growth of outsourcing business in the country. Through the years, business owners led to the idea of getting assistance virtually so they could delegate tasks to the VAs and focus on other essential things in their business without spending much.

Why hire a Virtual Assistant in the Philippines?

The Philippines is one of the top countries business owners turn to when it comes to virtual assistant services. There are plenty of reasons why and we list them all for you. 

  1. Proficiency in the English Language

English has always been one of the Philippines’ official languages spoken by more than 14 million Filipinos (British Council Philippines, 2015). It can be said that Filipinos have been bilingual almost their whole lives. It is also proven that Filipinos have the world’s highest literacy rate of 96.2%. They are the best when it comes to writing business English.

2. Skills

Through the years, an increasing number of Filipinos are hired by foreign countries because of their skills and talents. Technologically-related skills top Filipino credentials in various industries. Skills include but are not limited to social media marketing, web development, graphic designing, and many others.

The VA Hub is one of the many virtual assistant agencies that offer virtual assistant services to entrepreneurs worldwide. We train aspiring virtual assistants with skills and knowledge to help them be the best fit for your business needs. Hiring someone from an agency can help you save time and money from hiring and training. Plus, you can make sure that your money is secure, and the probability of your virtual assistant leaving you will not be an option.

3. Hospitality

Filipinos are naturally warm and hospitable. This is one of the qualities that foreigners love about the Philippines. This is also one reason why customer service jobs are perfect for Filipinos because it’s very natural for them to serve.

4. Hardworking

Filipinos value their jobs. They are known to give their best with their careers. Their work is essential to them, primarily if it feeds their families, as Filipinos are known to have close family ties.

5. Respectfulness

Filipino families have strong family ties. Children are brought up with respect for elders. They value relationships. If you have not yet hired a Filipino Virtual Assistant, then you are missing the chance to experience valued and quality service for your company.

If you have not yet hired a Filipino Virtual Assistant, then you are missing the chance to experience a valued and quality service for your company.

Contact the VA Hub Inc. today and see for yourself how a Filipino VA can change the way you do business!

Contributor: Rosemarie Aquino





